A word to the Clergy

Its probably safe to say that there are millions of topical Bible study series available today, but you know making disciples calls for a relationship with God, and the companionship of a trusted mentor helps any person get through even the roughest of times.

The Church seems to have been weakened a diet of topical studies. Harmony Bible groups use a strategic approach to making disciples-making disciples. Members of small groups mature in their faith while studying The Harmony of the Gospels and reflecting on both Old and New Testament passages. Harmony’s study explores five phases of Jesus’ ministry. As his disciples learned lessons on the journey group members will grow in their faith and the church will experience greater vitality. We’ve broken the study into a steady diet of weekly lessons which will take about three-and-one-half years to complete. The lessons are appropriate for multi-generational groups, and with the aid of Google Translation our materials are ideal for multilingual, and multicultural ministry. Our study notes may be downloaded and copied freely.

If you’d like to introduce a Gospel-centered hermeneutics we’ve developed a few series which might be of use:

Just the same, we hope you’re excited to encourage, commission, and support a few groups. We also invite you to participate with us in any number of the following ways:

  1. Host a small group leaders training session at your church. This can be exclusively for your small group leaders or for small group leaders in your denomination, deanery, diocese or county.
  2. Schedule a time to be our special guest on Harmony Bible Radio. You select the week and corresponding passage, and then participate in a one-hour preliminary dialogue the week of the broadcast; and then a one-hour phone call on the given Friday (2 days before the release date of the broadcast).
  3. Give your blessing to launch one or more Harmony Bible groups, guide them through our resources.
  4. Be a sponsor, providing some of our needs as you can and help us get the Word out.