Field Guide for Ministry Discernment and Discipleship

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The world is in need of God’s grace. It is God’s intent that you be in relationship with others and share the Good News using the gifts and strengths instilled in and bestowed to you. This Field Guide was developed over the course of the last twenty years and used to help thousands of people (seminarians, staff and parishioners) enrich their faith and engage in ministry together.

The main aim of the field guide is to help you get involved in what God is doing by utilizing your gifts and strengths in ministry and harmony with others. This will involve you gaining a better understanding what the scriptures teach about your vocation, spiritual gifts, and spiritual life so that you can be more intentional about your path of discipleship and service to God. After you have completed the various surveys (pages 3-8) be sure tabulate your responses and learn more from the second half of the field guide. Please share your answers with your friends, mentor, spiritual director, bishop or rector. Listen to their counsel, receive their affirmations, and then serve together in harmony with others.

A Note for the Church Leadership
We recommend providing the Survey and Field Guide to all your members during membership classes and also leadership training retreats. Contact Greg Troxell if you’d like to customize the look and questions on page 7 to meet the particular needs of your church or context of ministry. For best results, survey responses should be entered into the organization’s database so that as future needs arise you can identify and invite individuals as per their vocation, needs, aspirations and readiness. If you are sponsoring candidates for ordination, I would encourage you to have them complete this survey and field guide so that they might focus their learning and develop skills that will most productively enrich their future ministry and the vitality of the community they will serve.

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