
We all need Jesus

Photographer - Mike Smith
Photographer – Mike Smith

There are those walking among us in everyday life who are searching, struggling, and lonely. There are others who vainly fight one vice and the next while never finding a base of stability. Then there are others who are blissfully content with the life and success they have achieved thus far in life.  While just a little more than 20% of the American population attends church on any given Sunday, we think most are seeking God, or as some choose to say, a higher power. For the sake of the church lets just say, “we all need Jesus”. But as Ed Stetzer wrote, “the problem with the harvest is not the harvest”.

So many people (those who attend church and those who don’t) never know the blessed hope, contentment and joy that is given those who are in Christ. Why? One reason is that they have not yet really heard and accepted the Gospel and they have not known grace.  Why? One reason is that they have not be discipled; another is that they get taught obedience before grace; and many have simply not let go of world views which run contrary to the grace and truth of God.  Hebrews 5:12 speaks of this malaise and, in one way, is a charter passage for us.

Week after week, as we read through the Harmony of the Gospels, we see how Jesus preached and lived among the people. In the synagogue and throughout the villages, cities and countrysides, his hope and expectation was that all those who would hear would become disciples; and as disciples that they would bring others and make more disciples, teaching them the precepts of the abundant life while answering their concerns and needs. Statistics show that nearly 6o million attend church, and that few are making disciples in or beyond the doors of the church.

If those who are believers don’t learn such principles and teach others, something is wrong. The writer of the book of Hebrews made it plain that every Christian needs to grow up and become a disciple-maker. Are you there yet? If not, why not? Is it that you feel that you’ve not learned enough to teach? If so, then begin learning more today, and then begin sharing with your friends what you have learned for your own sake rather than teach what you think others need to know. That’s perfectly acceptable, even commendable! In time (probably within 1-3 years) you will be equipped and moved to begin making disciples.

Having discipled hundreds, many who are now disciple-makers, we know that our strategy and use of the Harmony works. We’re here to help and we hope you’ll use our free resources, dwell on the words of Christ, and graciously share them with those you know and love. As the lyrics of Amy Grants song said,  “we believe in God, and we all need Jesus“.

By Greg Troxell

Disciple, entrepreneur and catalytic leader. Advocate of the sharing economy. Ministering to youth, new Christians, and equipping the saints. Developing the Emotivational practice. Founder of

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